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Автор Тема: Princess Amber And Miss Lexi Chase's - Young Teen Foot Bitch.2020  (Прочитано 290 раз)

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Princess Amber And Miss Lexi Chase's - Young Teen Foot Bitch.2020
« : 15 Апреля 2021, 20:41:03 »

Everyday at the Manor brings a new surprise, and today was no different...  Princess Amber and I woke up after a night out and had this 18 year old slave locked in at the end of the bed, and sure enough Her feet were sore in the morning and She was certain the loser had been licking, biting, and kissing Her feet after We crashed out last night...  clearly this idiot didn't know his place and needed to be shown... lol...   so We took turns showing it the proper way to respect Mean Girl's feet if it planned to remain a useful littler piece of property at the Manor...  it licked, worshiped, was gagged with, and choked on Our feet as Amber took pleasure in kicking it's worthless face multiple times to remind it of it's place... check out the clip to see how many feet can fit into this things fat mouth at one time.... it's pretty unbelievable, and pretty fucking pathetic as well....
Title:   Princess Amber And Miss Lexi Chase's Young Teen Foot Bitch.mp4 - 602 MiB
Time:   19mn 40s
Res.:   1920 x 1080 - 59.940 fps

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