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Автор Тема: Mistress Baby - The traveling saleswoman (2009)  (Прочитано 340 раз)

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Mistress Baby - The traveling saleswoman (2009)
« : 20 Октября 2016, 12:12:47 »


Mistress Baby - The traveling saleswoman (2009)

Baby is a stressed out traveling saleswoman stuck in another hotel room away from home. She's meeting with a prospective employee that has applied to be her chair while she's constantly on the road. After a VERY brief interview she decides to give him a chance to fill the position.She sits on his face while getting caught up on paperwork. When she is done with her paperwork she takes him to the bed so she can strip down to her pantyhose and relax on his face there. Her thick ample butt cheeks smash his face and she tells him part of his job is to rub her back (even though he can't breath).

Длительность: 00:14:40
Размер Файла: 110 МБ
Формат: wmv



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