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Автор Тема: [Kscans.com] Sylvi - Fair And Blonde 720x576  (Прочитано 130 раз)

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[Kscans.com] Sylvi - Fair And Blonde 720x576
« : 20 Марта 2025, 23:07:50 »

[Kscans.com] Sylvi - Fair And Blonde 720x576  

Sylvi is a pretty model who has done some glamour work for the agency. We were looking for a model to work with on a really hard fetish shoot and after a lot of thought, Sylvi decided to give it a go. Sylvi is a really nice girl and we were really pleased when she said yes. The shoot was our first "pissing in the mouth" scenario and included girl/girl mouth pissing and man/girl scenes. It was a Captain K shoot, and it was the first time that Captain K had done such a hard scene.
As you will know Captain K is a fan of other hardcore sites and you will notice the similarity between the boy/girl pissing scenes and a certain other hardcore producer who likes to take things to a maximum. We did some other photo shoots with Sylvi, but to be honest they did not work to well. The mouth pissing scenes dominated the whole shoot and Sylvi was not really up for the other work. This is hardly surprising.
At the end, Sylvi did do some good ass to mouth scenes and you will enjoy these. These were done after we had agreed to stop the mouth pissing work, as Sylvi had reached her fill of pee by this time (hardly surprising given the strength of the scenes).

437.35 Mb



« Последнее редактирование: 20 Марта 2025, 23:11:59 от MartinF » Записан
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